
Showing posts from December, 2013

Tagaytay Escapade Day 2

I woke up to the sound of my alarm and the first thing I saw was a shadow of a person through the curtains of our glass door.  I wasn't scared, because I know they were just checking on us if we were already awake so that they can prepare breakfast for us. I got out and they asked if we would like to eat already and I said yes. While waiting I decided to take photos of Taal Lake. What I really loved about Joaquin's Inn was that it had the best view compared to the other inns around the area and the services and amenities they offer are worth what you spend. I also loved the fact that there is a wooden swing at the veranda area and I was just sitting there chilling most of the time.  The all Filipino breakfast was amazing. I loved their tapa the sweet and salty blend was perfect for my taste buds and the meat was very tender. garlic rice with scrambled eggs, atchara and daing na bangus garlic rice with scrambled eggs, atchara and beef tapa hot cho

Tagaytay Escapade Day 1

"Everything happens for a reason."  These are the words that kept replaying inside my head when we were not able to push through our SG trip last November. It was heartbreaking to say the least but it was definitely a blessing in disguise. We decided to go on a roadtrip to celebrate my brother's birthday and we decided to go to Tagaytay (thanks to my mom's suggestion).     It was my first time going on a roadtrip with my brother on the wheels. It was also my first time to go on a roadtrip to the south. I was so excited because finally I'll be able to see Taal Lake and all of it's glory which I only see in postcards before. It was a 3 hour drive from Manila and we passed by some interesting sights.  I never knew Tagaytay had several pineapple plantations. You can actually see them beside the highway when you look left and right there are pineapples everywhere. My brother was driving too fast so I wasn't able to take any good phot