Sagada Day 1

 For my birthday I decided to go on a trip in one of the most popular tourist destinations here in the northern part of the Philippines, Sagada. This small town is a haven for those who would like to have a temporary respite amidst all the chaos in their life (work, relationships etc.). For me it was finally a time to be away from all the noise, pollution and the stress even for just a few days, a gift to myself indeed. 

Was I scared? A little bit. Was I excited? DEFINITELY. It was my first solo trip EVER.

I went to the station at around 5am in the morning only to find out that the first trip departs at 6:30am. I am thankful that the nearby restaurant was already open by that time so I was able to get my morning dose of brewed coffee. The bus ride was around 6 hours including the 2 stops in between. The trip for me was so much fun and it was never boring, watching the scenic view, listening to music and positively anticipating what I'd be doing the moment I set foot in Sagada. I definitely advise you to bring the music playing device of your choice and fill it with the best songs for the trip to Sagada is really amazing.

Upon arrival I had to pay the environmental fee at the Tourist Center. They use this fee for the maintenance of the tourist spots around Sagada. Afterwards, I immediately went to George Guest House where I stayed for 2 nights and 3 days. The downtown area where most of the establishments are is just a few steps away from each other, so don't expect to see any tricyles, jeepneys or taxis roaming around. This is one of those places where you really need to walk. George Guesthouse is a three storey building, it is a very cozy place equipped with hot and cold shower, WiFi and cable TV. They even have a restaurant that serves breakfast, lunch and dinner.

On the day of my arrival itself, I decided to go spelunking at the cave connection Lumiang and Sumaging. The whole caving experience was about 3 hours. It was slippery and wet and the water was as cold as ice. One of the things I will never forget was that I literally had to step and hold on to bat poop covered rocks for my dear life. During the whole caving trip I went barefoot since it was too slippery and I was definitely scared of slipping and falling flat on my face. The guide was kind enough to lend a hand when I needed it. He was kind enough to carry my bag and take pictures of me. When we were almost at the end when he tripped and fell sideways and I laughed so hard at him.

manong Theodore my tour guide
these coffins are made of pine trees ONLY
The gecko is a sign of good luck because it means regrowth and the figure is carved in the coffins.
interesting rock formations inside the cave

the banga rock formation

One of my shadow photos at place inside they called the "Dance Hall"
One of the moments wherein I had to think twice if I will fit or not (hahahah!)
looks like a frog doesn't it? well it does.
manong Theodore playing with the settings of my camera

the dinosaur's LEFT footprint

oh yes! i was pulling myself up and i still had to smile (^_^) GRACE UNDER PRESSURE!

this looks like a baby elephant!

my bat poop covered hands and I am proud of it!
the pyramid inside the cave
the stunning view the moment you reach the end of the cave connection
The day was almost coming to an end and I was tired and wet and freezing the moment we stepped out of the cave so started walking back to the city proper. I immediately went back to the inn and I decided to clean up and eat dinner. I went to Yoghurt House and the moment I opened the door 8 sets of eyes looked at me and everything just froze. Nobody said a word we all just stared at each other. I literally felt like I was an alien. There was a moment of silence and I said "Uhm, pwede pa po ba?" (Uhm, are you still accepting customers?) And that's the only time somebody stood up and gave me a menu. It was really funny although I'm not sure why they stared at me and didn't say a word for quite some time. The food by the way was amazing. Their pasta is one the best I have tasted so far. The pasta was al dente, the sauce was creamy and the ham was so tasty. I can honestly say that the yoghurt they have can never compare to the ones being sold at the supermarket.  

a pot of lemon grass tea
pasta ala bechamel with smoked ham
yoghurt with banana, granola and strawberry


  1. it's my first time to be surprised and awed by a blog. this is amazing! I totally love the pictures aya and how you described the place makes me want to go there alone too.. haha. good job! I think you're going to be an amazing travel blogger :D love love love.

    1. thank you ate Jan! :) you should have your own Eat Pray Love moment as well hihihi :D thank you so much! :* i'm hoping for the best! :D


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