
Showing posts from February, 2019


Macau was my first international travel alone. The trip was mostly motivated by my love for k-pop. Yes, you read it right. The main reason why I went to Macau was to watch BTS perform live. I also had other reasons as well. One of them was to visit and check one specific place off my bucket list. I've listed it as one of the places I must visit before I leave earth. Have you guessed it? If you were thinking of the Ruins of St. Paul, you are correct! It is one of my life goals to visit all of UNESCO World Heritage Sites because I know that these places hold a significant story that has shaped mankind and these stories are meant to be felt and experienced. I landed at Macau International Airport at night time around 8:00pm and my best friend’s mom and cousin fetched me and dropped me off my Airbnb place. They even went grocery shopping with me to ensure that I had food to eat during my stay because eating out in Macau is quite expensive. vi