
Showing posts from February, 2015

Mt. Pulag: the playground of the gods

Since 2010, I have always made it a point to write Mt. Pulag as one of the places I have to visit before the year ends. Unfortunately, due to other commitments and the lack of time I never really had the time to plan and prepare for it. Last year, I promised myself that as soon as an opportunity opens up I'm gonna grab it and go to one of the places that has been written in my bucket list for a very long time.  Finally, I was able to visit the place last October 17, 2014 and it was one of the most memorable trips I've had yet.  One of my schoolmates from high school, who is now a tour guide, offers affordable tour packages which includes transportation, meals, guide fee, other fees (registration, environmental, cultural, etc.)  and certificates. When I saw his post from a social networking site that he was going to have a climb 2 weeks after my birthday, I immediately filed for leave from work and my friend and I joined his tour group. The call time for the trip was