

After my solo trip to Macau, I’ve been wanting to explore more, to challenge my courage and create more memories. Last year came the perfect opportunity because Taiwan became visa-free for Filipinos. After months of planning and research, my friend and I finally decided to book our flight to Taiwan. This trip was unforgettable because my friend and I experienced a lot of firsts. It was my first time travelling with a friend abroad. It was my friend’s first time travelling abroad. And more details of our firsts will be revealed as you read through this post. At the airport, we met Jackson. He is Taiwanese and is currently working in the Philippines. He must’ve noticed that it was our first time in Taiwan because Jilly and I were both wide-eyed and filled with so much excitement. After passing immigration, he approached us and asked if we knew how to go to Taipei and we mentioned that we will be travelling via bus since the express train is no longer operational b